Monday 16 November 2015

Enviroment Proposal

For unit 68 I must create a 3D environment of a futuristic city, this will include a skyscraper as a main feature and other assets such as shops, vehicles, bins, sculptures and other modern features.

In order to create a successful 3D environment I will ensure research is carried out before hand, from sources such as the internet I will gather information to enhance and consolidate my knowledge of 3D design and modern environments in addition, I will collect images and photos that can be applied to assets as textures improving the overall finish of my work. The overall appearance I would like to achieve is sleek and clean; I will ensure I create this look by using sharp edges, and a restricted colour pallet of greys and blues.

When creating a 3D environment I must consider the ethical and legal terms in which I must follow. I will be taking inspiration from the futuristic city seen in the 1976 film Logan's Run and also the game Mirrors Edge, while influencing my work I will ensure I don’t not break any copyright laws by creating all my own assets from scratch that will be different shapes compared to the original my environment will be more of a developed creation by creating my own interpretation what I feel it should look like. Another Legal consideration would be using others images for my textures, to avoid this situation I will reference all my textures in my texture research as I find them. 

The target audience of my 3d environment project would be late teenagers-early adults (16-24) who are intrested in sci-fi as I feel it takes a more mature mind to understand the complexity of a futuristic environment and really appreciate the attention to detail that I will put in however can still enjoy what I have created. I feel that by deciding to create a futuristic city I have enabled myself to be very imaginative and creative with all the possibilities of features I could include. As I mentioned earlier I would like my environment to be portrayed as very clean and sleek, I feel these features very much suit my target audience as they can be complex yet innovative with a level of class to it which I feel will be fully appreciated by the older mindset. I will ensure my enviroment appeals to sci-fi fans by following my modern sleek style, incorporating futuristic features and kepping my colour pallet to whites, blues, greys and chorme.

When creating my environment I will be using the 3D design software Maya, I will have to demonstrate a number of skills throughout the creation of the project. From past experience I have a background knowledge of the software meaning I know how to carry out tasks such as applying textures or manipulating objects meaning I can be efficient when creating my environment. Another piece of software I will be using is Adobe Photoshop, I will use this to create, edit and touch up images and textures that will be applied to assets I create in Maya, I also have past experience using this software therefore when it comes round to using it again I should be very time efficient, a major benefit of using Photoshop would be the fact i could create seamless textures which would help when applying them to large areas so the pattern can be repeated yet line up perfectly. Alongside these two pieces of software I will also need a drawing resources to sketch out my initial ideas and other designs, a computer and possibly a scanner to upload the hard copy drawings I will create and finally, a high quality camera to take images in which I can transfer onto the compute to use as textures. 

Throughout this project I will ensure I use my time efficiently and effective by creating a production schedule, this will mean I have deadlines to complete a certain amount of work before ensuring I have enough time to create everything need to make a high quality 3D environment. I will liase with my client throughout the whole modelling process and seek feedbackfrom them where neccissary.  

Within this proposal I have covered all aspects of the brief, that includes ethical issues, target asuience, requirements and the project as a whole. I created this document in order to throughly understand the brief meaning when it came to the creative stage I knew and understood everything I had to to and the requirements I must meet. This document is extreemly helpful to me as it is cost effective in the sense that when I came to the creation stage I would be able to minimise errors which would penulitamtley cost money to fix therefore, it is better to understand in detail what I am creating before hand. Within this document I also explained my target market, it is essential I understand what they want and need.         

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