Sunday 1 January 2017

Audience Research Analysis

I recently carried out some audience research to gain a better knowledge of my target audience and what they like.10 males and 2 females answered my questionnaire, they were all aged in the higher spectrum of teenagers. I also created 4 vox pops of people within my target audience and 3 interviews.

From my research I have discovered that, the majority of people within my target audience enjoy listening to music, of the people who listened to music pop was the most preferred genre. This shows me that they are young people who like to keep up to trend with whats modern, while being around for a long time pop music dominates the industry and I feel the fact it is the most preferred genre among those who listen to music is very important and shows there is a large market.

Action adventure games was the most popular genre of game with Grand Theft Auto V being the most frequently played by the people I researched into. The fact GTA V was most frequently played among all the gamers shows I must create a versatile game such as GTA leaving the player with a lot of control over the game and what they do.

9 of the 12 people who took the questionnaire prefer complex storylines and storyline was voted the most important aspect when looking for an action adventure game. This tells me that my target audience look for games with good and complex storylines making it a feature I must focus on in great detail to ensure I provide my target audience with what they want. I will achieve this by allowing myself the necessary amount of time when planning.

2/3 of people who took the questionnaire said that social elements of gaming was fun, this means while creating a complex storyline I must also find a way to include many social elements such as joint missions to ensure my target audience have many more reasons to play the game and ensure my game is the one of choice over others. By creating a very social game I will be bringing more people together.

While some found modern action adventure games sexist or male dominant the majority vote was people found them not to be in addition, 2/3 of people who took the questionnaire has no preference to the sex of the character meaning when it came to characterisation my canvas is quite black allowing me to be accordingly creative. The target audience would also prefer the character to be resourceful of the materials around them meaning when creating my game things like weapons or materials will not just be given to then throughout the game.

Unlike the sex of characters when deciding between environments games are set in it was almost a clean sweep for realistic environments. To ensure I give my target audience what they prefer the game will be set in a realistic environment, that means it will be quite familiar to one they may be use to seeing most days such as the city of London.

Finally, there was only one major disadvantage that everyone i researched into found a major people with modern video games which was price meaning, my game will be reasonably priced ensure I can make as many people as happy and satisfied with my game that there could be.  

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