Thursday 22 September 2016

Animation Proposal

The brief of the assignment is to create an anti-gravity animation. The scene will be as normal until for the first time in the game the gravity will all of a sudden turn off causing objects to suspend in the air and float around creating wonder for the audience. All the objects will be related and suit the theme of the game. It is called The Last Voyage.

I have made 6 assets that will float around the spaceship interior, the first asset will be a space helmet, this will be white and feature a Great Britain flag (nationality of the astronaut) it will also feature two nobs that will control the oxygen flow. My second asset will be a pair of space boots, they will be colour coordinated with the helmet and will be placed next to/near the helmet in the space ship. In addition, I will also make a spray paint can, this is so the astronauts can repair flaws in the spaceship, I will texture the can with a label and ensure it looks realistic by making the top and bottom of the can the colour of the paint, I will not give it a lid as the nozzle makes is almost instantly recognised as a spray paint can where as a with a lid it could be mistaken for something else such as deodorant or industrial glue. Furthermore, I will include a Lego figurine, this will be a novelty mascot belonging to one of the astronauts, this will be yellow red and blue (typical Lego colours). I will also include a torch; this will simply be black with a green and red on and off switch. My spaceship will also feature a take away coffee cup, which will simply be white and cardboard. Finally I will include a wooden photo frame with a stand connected by a hinge. My spaceship will be very luxurious, I will create a separate cabin where the pilot and 2 co-pilots will sit, this is where all my assets will float, there will be more debt to the spaceship but this will simply be for aesthetics. In the pilots cabin there will be 3 big luxurious chairs and a control desk.    

My first major legal and ethical consideration would be the Lego figurine firstly, because Lego is copy righted meaning it would be illegal for me to use it without Legos permission which would usually come at a high cost secondly, if I were to recreate a figure similar to avoid any legal constraints I would be playing God as it would be my perspective of how the body similar to humans should look which may offend people of specific cultures. To overcome this issue I will contacted Lego and they have given me permission to use their name. There is a risk of copy right meaning I have to be careful that I do not copy any assets I have seen in other games or films, to combat this issue I have ensured that all of my assets have an original design that I created.

The target audience for this game would be 13-18 year olds firstly, because of the sci-fi genre, most adults would accept the reality that it is highly un-likely that they would every go to space and experience zero gravity however as a teenager especially in the first few year this still may be a hope they wish will become a reality therefore they will particularly engage with the game. To appeal to my target audience I have used appropriate colours (gold and blue) to texture the interior of the spaceship so it will not look too bold yet dull. I have also modelled assets that will appeal to them such as the Lego figure in addition, I will make my scene sci-fi by setting in in a futuristic spaceship, to achieve this look and appeal to sci-fi fans I will make my spaceship very sleek with sharp edges, it will be very spacious and use appropriate colours, these will be gold and metallic dark blue.

Firstly I will create the space ships interior, since this does not have to be very complex I will not need to use many advanced tools so I will simply use the manipulator, the merge tool and possible face selection. The second step would be modelling my assets, here I will use the vertex selection tool to create complex curves, I will also use Booleans to create advanced models. I will also use the UV mapper to ensure that my textures fit the model and the right proportion, I will also use Adobe Photoshop to create some of my own textures if I cannot find what I am looking for. Finally I will use the pivot point tool to change the pivot point when creating objects such as a hinge. 

To complete this project I will require a background knowledge in this field therefore I will research other games and films that have antigravity scenes to see different interpretations and build my own perspective of what it should look like. I will also require a computer with modelling software downloaded ensuring I can digitally model all my assets.    

Thought this project I will have to manage my time carefully as there is a lot of individual tasks I must complete thought the unit including research, modelling and animating. I will manage my time by creating a Gantt chart ensuring I spend the correct amount of time on each task however I will leave a small amount of overflow time in the unlikely event of unexpected errors or challenges.          

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