Monday 19 October 2015

Asset Mood Board

This is a mood board I created for my 3D enviroment, it was used to help me find inspiration when planing and disigning assest to put in my enviroment. This was very helpful as it ensure I could meet my target audiences requirements by adding cool features they like. It was also cost effective as it allowed me to make educated design decicions rather than plucking ideas out of the air. 

Thursday 15 October 2015

Bubble Bot

This is my page of 6 different character ideas in response to the specification of a robot sidekick. I have chosen to proceed with the bottom middle design which I have named Bubble Bot or BB for short. I chose this design as I feel it meets the specification well and combines features seen on the other robots into one design, in addition along side looking cute it is also lethal the metal blades on its head and be used to slice opponents open and its landing tripod have spikes on that can stab opponents finally, it has laser guns that raise out the side that can burn through enemies clothes and skin.


Thursday 8 October 2015

Character mood board


This image here is the result of my research into futuristic characters, many trends appear when looking into futuristic characters: many characters have clean lines and look very slick, stylish and modern. I feel this has been done to represent the "ideal future" where humans and technology work hand in hand and rely on each other to fulfil tasks. In comparison another common trend is that other characters have heavy body armour and war machinery, I feel this shows a future with heavy conflict maybe with extra terrestrial beings in addition, it may show how technology has taken over and humans rely on it to carry out basic tasks. 

As explained before there were two main trends with futuristic characters much like there are two main environments: utopian and dystopian. A utopian environment is on where every thing is perfect or is based on the "ideal future" in comparison to dystopian which would be an unpleasant environment that contains or shows the effects of conflict.  

In my research I found that the majority of my images were dystopian showing that the general image of the future contains conflict.